** New in firmware 244.1.0 **
Settings can now be changed in the device itself (without having to connect MAPTATTOO to a computer).
In order to access the settings, Open the menu on your MAPTATTOO and select its last Entry (“Settings”).
You will be presented with a screen that shows the settings that can be updated.
In order to adjust a setting, navigate to it with the “UP” or “DOWN” keys on your directional keypad
The settings can be adjusted using the “LEFT” or “RIGHT” keys on your directional keypad.
The following settings can be adjusted:
- ** New in 246.1.7 ** Chart Magnification: adjust the magnification to prioritize the details or readability at a distance.
- ** New in 246.1.7 ** Charts: Choose “0” to prioritize Marine Charts, “1” for Inland Lake Charts
- Distance Unit: select the unit in which distances, such as distance to a waypoint, are presented on the screen
- Heading Unit: Select Geographic (T: True) or Magnetic (M: Magnetic)
- Height Unit: select the unit in which features such as lighthouse are represented on the chart
- Speed Unit: Select the speed Unit (kt, kph, mph, m/s)
- Sounding Unit: select the Sounding Unit (m, ft)
- ** New in 246.1.7 ** Orientation: Select “0” for True North Up or “1” for Course/Arrow up. When selecting Arrow-up and if the boat speed is greater than 1 Kt, the chart will orient to keep the arrow pointing up when centered (press the “Center” key to activate the auto-center mode. The compass rose indicates the True North. The arrow will center itself at about a third of the screen height at the bottom (see screenshot below).
- Smoothing: You can now add a smoothing function to reduce noise in the speed and heading readings. Select 1 for no smoothing to 8 for high smoothing factor (and lower reactivity)
- Touch: Deactivate touch (by selecting the “0” entry) when the conditions are rough and drops of water are causing some issues.