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Voyage through Maine

This is a part of our Explorer Feature series, telling stories of sailors, racers, and adventurers.

When you ask Mark Sperry how he discovered his love for sailing, his eyes light up as he reminisces about the adventures of his youth: “When I was a kid, my parents would take me on vacations to Lake Superior and the BVI”. These experiences, filled with excitement and wonder, laid the foundation for a passion to reignite later in life.

Living in Coastal Maine, Mark found himself in a moment of spontaneity during the pandemic. “Someone listed their O’Day Daysailer for a cheap price.”, he recalls. “I bought it on impulse, and pretty much from there, I became obsessed.”

Mark now sails a Tanzer 22, a slightly larger keel boat that allows for safer sailing in cold waters and do overnights. He has upgraded it extensively: “I replaced all the sails and running rigging, the electrical system, and 3D printed internal components for the cabin. I even built a DIY stern rail out of aluminum extrusions for my solar panels,” he explains. His most exciting addition is a Code-C asymmetrical cruising spinnaker, which makes the boat move efficiently in light air.

Sailing Highlights

One of Mark’s most memorable cruises was last year’s trip to Damariscove Island after weeks of fog and rain. An uninhabited, historic island six miles out to sea from Maine’s coast (Boothbay Harbor), this 210-acre plot is right in the open ocean and is accessible to boaters. “It has this amazing tiny harbor which was terrifying to enter as a solo sailor. If I missed grabbing the innermost mooring, I was definitely going to settle in the mud until high tide!”. Despite the challenge, everything went smoothly, and Mark enjoyed a perfect evening and hiking on shore.

This year’s sailing season has been favorable, with fair winds and frequent outings, despite a late start. “I’ve been averaging 1-2 days a week on the water,” he shares, looking forward to starting overnight trips in September.

Tech On Board: MAPTATTOO

Mark’s been navigating the cruises with MAPTATTOO marine GPS.

“I love that it’s a truly standalone tablet.  It doesn’t need fancy connections to other boat systems, it just works! The battery life and daylight visibility are the most significant features that make it so great.  I can mount it in the cockpit and have it tracking me all day, and easily see where I am, my speed, and if there are any shoals/rocks or something in my current course.  When I was using my iPhone, you would be pulling it out of your pocket, watching the battery drain, losing focus on your environment.  The MAPTATTOO is just there for at-a-glance situational awareness which is the most important thing in a place like Maine.  Our underwater rocks are sneaky. Please don’t ask me how I know!”

Bon Voyage

As Mark continues to sail coastal Maine, his passion for sailing and DIY spirit inspire those around him. Whether it’s the thrill of a voyage or the satisfaction of a well-executed upgrade, his love for the craft is evident in every adventure he undertakes. For those new to sailing, Mark offers a practical tip with a touch of humor: “Lots of people new to sailing apparently don’t like it when the rub rail on the leeward side gets submerged. I can’t imagine why!” 

Mark is also a photographer and documents his cruises. You can follow his journey on Instagram.